Our Curriculum
Head Teacher Welcome.mp4
Our Curriculum Intention
At Hadrian Park, it is our understanding and belief that every child should feel valued and has the right to experience the feeling of success across all curriculum areas. We believe that nurturing every child through a Growth Mindset approach to thinking will equip them to become confident life-long learners and prepare them to tackle any challenges they may face.
Our careful curriculum design and planning means that we include many opportunities for repetition and practice of essential knowledge, skills and understanding in every subject. This ensures that children are able to revisit previous learning, which allows them to gradually develop a deeper understanding of the skills and processes within subjects, at their own pace with a preferred and personalised style for each individual child. This means that, in practice, our curriculum places equal importance on both the Core and Foundation Subjects.
Our definition of progress is; the widening and deepening of essential knowledge, skills, understanding and learning behaviours. We design, organise and plan our curriculum to ensure that our children are not merely covering content, but achieving a depth to their learning which enables them to utilise and apply their skills and understanding, in all areas of the curriculum.
Our educational mission is that every child will be a reader by the age of 7, and if they are not, we will do everything within our power to help them catch up, so that they can access our broad and balanced curriculum, designed in such a way that they learn more and remember more.
Implementation of ‘Our Curriculum’
The needs of all are taken into consideration upon planning; Our World, Our Community, Our Families and Our Children. The ever-changing environment around us ensures that we are adaptable and innovative, as these factors are integral to the design, shape and delivery of all subjects equally.
Our curriculum is meticulously designed, based upon progression and planned to move the nature of children’s thinking to a higher order and a deeper level of understanding, rather than just acquiring new facts and knowledge. Consistently high standards, PACE of learning and a motivating drive enables children to reach and exceed National Expectations, which is of vital importance if they are to succeed within the next stage of their education and go on to achieve full and happy lives and careers.
Impact of ‘Our Curriculum’
Our full, rich and experiential curriculum ensures that every pupil at Hadrian Park Primary School makes exceptional progress both academically, socially and personally. With this unique curriculum offer, we aim to ensure that every child is given the opportunity to learn from mistakes, shine and flourish and believe in themselves to fulfil their potential.
If you would like any further information about our curriculum, please make an appointment to speak to your child's class teacher or contact school to speak to our Deputy Head and curriculum lead, Miss Martin.