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Solihull Parenting

Solihull Parenting 


Solihull parenting is made up of a team of registered professionals within the National Health Service in the UK, working with practitioners and parents to develop new resources to support emotional health and well-being in children, families and adults. 


The Solihull Approach is all about emotional health and well-being.

The sound and well-researched ideas that underpin the Approach are embedded in every aspect of our trainings for practitioners, comprehensive resources and ‘Understanding your child’ courses for parents.

Dr Hazel Douglas MBE originally developed the model whilst working with a team of health visitors, child and adolescent mental health services and families.


The Solihull Approach model is now used in most areas of the UK with many projects across the world, applied from midwives to firefighters and in homes, hospitals, clinics, companies, schools and prisons.

The Solihull Approach is all about emotional health and well-being. We provide training and resources for practitioners working with children and families. We provide online courses and face to face groups for parents. We provide training for schools. We provide resources for companies.

We share key messages from research about how we relate to and understand each other; the foundation for our emotional, cognitive and social development. Solihull have a range of resources for parents to access including courses to enhance your understanding, please use the information below:


Wellbeing - Parents

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