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Hadrian Park Primary School

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School Council

The School Council


At Hadrian Park Primary School, we believe in democracy and ensuring all children have a voice and part in the running of our school.  The School Council is elected annually following a democratic process, in which all pupils have the opportunity to put themselves forward for the position, explaining why they would be a valuable and positive choice for their class and then the children vote for two children who they think would represent them successfully.    


The School Council met regularly throughout the year to discuss school matters, such as, lunch at Hadrian Park or taking part in Local Authority projects, such as a North Tyneside Year Book.  The School Councillors are required to disseminate any information to their classes and equally bring any issues which arise from their class to be discussed at the meeting. Minutes are taken at each meeting and actions proceed.  Each class has a School Council book in which notes can be recorded.


Some of the roles and responsibilities of the School Council include: showing guests around school, collecting certificates in assembly on behalf of their class and ensuring important ideas and messages are considered.  


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