Sport & Physical Education

Physical Education and Sports
Hadrian Park delivers a high-quality physical education curriculum which inspires all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. We provide opportunities for pupils to become physically confident in a way which supports their health and fitness. There are numerous opportunities to compete in sport and other activities which build character and help to embed values such as fairness and respect.
School Aims:
1. Provide opportunities for pupils to experience a broad range of physical activities.
2. Ensure all pupils are physically active for sustained periods of time.
3. Provide children with the life skills needed to lead healthy, active lives.
Our PE offer at Hadrian Park ensures that all children receive a minimum of 2 hours high quality curriculum PE every week. Alongside our PE curriculum we provide opportunities for all pupils to be physically active throughout the day, for example; the Daily Mile, active breaks in lessons, active break times and lunch times, promotion of active travel using Active Streets Travel Tracker etc.
What makes Hadrian Park Special
- Half termly cycling provision for Y3 – Y6.
- We run a wide range of after school sports clubs (the majority of which are free) which run throughout the year. 55 different clubs took place in 2021/22.
- We have achieved the School Games Platinum award - a recognition of the quality of teaching, the wider school opportunities provided and the number of clubs we run.
- We have represented Newcastle United in the Premier League school boys football tournament, received a visit from the Premier League Trophy, danced in front of 40,000 fans as part of the Rugby League Magic Weekend and many other life changing experiences.
- We were the first primary school to go skiing abroad and now run an annual skiing trip to the Italian Alps.
- We take outdoor education extremely serious with annual trips for KS1 to Dukeswood, LKS2 attend Robinwood in Cumbria and UKS2 attending High Borrans in the Lake District.
- Children receive Bikeability training allowing them to ride safely to school and road safety training to encourage all children to walk to school and do their bit for the environment.
- We have school teams which compete across North Tyneside in the following sports: football, netball, hockey, athletics, tennis, handball, rounders, cricket, rugby and perform at the annual dance festival.
- We celebrate our success on social media and through the school website to keep the local community updated on our sporting successes.
- We take part in the Shiremoor Treat, which is a community event stemming back over a hundred years from the days when the miner’s celebrated local sport.
- We have strong links with the North East Partnership SCITT programme, who are rated an outstanding provider for teaching training. We take on a number of their trainee teachers each year and our SENDCO (Mr M Beresford) holds a position on their interview panel.