PSHE & Citizenship
"PSHE helps prepare pupils for life, with all it’s twists and turns." PSHE Association
PSHE at Hadrian Park Primary School
At Hadrian Park Primary School, we aim to give every child an equal opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge they need to thrive now and in the future. PSHE (personal, social, health and economics) and Citizenship is just one of the ways we make this happen! Our PSHE curriculum ensures wider development of our pupils supporting them to develop their character – including their resilience, confidence and independence – and helps them know how to keep physical and mentally healthy and safe.
We have a careful balance of PSHE and citizenship, SSMC (social, spiritual, moral and cultural) education and RSE (Relationship and sex education) which is delivered through creatively planned lessons, including discussions, debates and opportunities to develop strategies and skills to manage different real-life situations. We take pride in our dynamic curriculum which is differentiated and tailored to meet the ever-changing needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, and our inclusive environment where learners have the opportunity to explore and reflect upon issues that affect them. We target specific needs for our children and address important, current issues with immediacy and diligence.
Why is PSHE unique and special:
There are many important initiatives promoted and prioritised throughout school life, preparing the children for the world around them. For example, we have a successful school council, which follows a democratic process; we raise money and awareness for important causes and worthwhile issues such as Show Racism the Red Card and BBC Children in Need Day. We also take part in national events aimed to empower our pupils, including Anti-Bullying Week and Careers Week.
We are fortunate to be members of the PSHE Association which provides valuable training, guidance and advice and ensures our children receive the very best PSHE lessons and support.
Relationships and health education are statutory (must be taught) and parents do not have the right to withdraw their child from the subjects. As sex education is not statutory at primary level, other than what must be taught as part of the science curriculum, parents have the right to request to withdraw their child from all or part of the sex education curriculum. If you wish to withdraw your child from the non-statutory components, your request should be put in writing to Miss Gibson and submitted to the school office or via email at
Miss Gibson will discuss the request with the parent and, if appropriate their child, to ensure that their wishes are understood and to clarify the nature and purpose of the curriculum. The discussion will be centred around the benefits of receiving this education and any adverse effects that withdrawal may have on the pupil – this could include, for example, social and emotional effects of being excluded. A record of the discussion will kept and the parent will be informed in writing of the final decision. Where a pupil is withdrawn from sex education, the pupil will receive appropriate alternative education.