Welcome to Reception! In Reception, children build upon their learning from Nursery continuing to focus on the three Prime areas of learning: Communication and Language; Physical Development and Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Children develop curiosity and enthusiasm when exploring and learning. Children's learning is further enhanced and scaffolded across the four specific areas of learning: Literacy; Mathematics; Understanding the World and Expressive Arts & Design.
Our Reception is split into two classes; Reception A (shining sheep) and Reception B (brave badgers).
Reception A classroom adults | Reception B classroom adults |
Miss Hamill (class teacher) | Mrs Miller (class teacher) |
Mrs Armstrong (teaching assistant) | Miss Young (HLTA) |
Miss Allan (SEND support) | Mr Henderson (apprentice TA) |
Miss Hamill Story

Mrs Miller’s Story

A day in the life in Reception
No two days are the same in EYFS, but typically, our routine is similar to below:
8:40 | Gates open. Welcome and morning jobs |
8:50 | Register and morning routine |
9-9:40 | RWI (Phonics) |
9:40-10 | Group time |
10-11:30 | Explore indoors and outdoors |
11:30 | Maths songs and nursery rhymes |
11:45-1 | Lunch time |
1-1:30 | Register and group time |
1:30-3 | Explore indoors and outdoors |
3 | Story bell |
3:15 | Home time |
Our PE is on a Wednesday. Your child can attend school in their PE kit. We also have 'Woodlands' on Wednesdays where we will visit the school forest and get muddy.
OPAL (outdoor play and learning) is every day. Please make sure your child has spare clothes, waterproofs and wellies in school each day.