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Hadrian Park Primary School

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Remote Learning @ HPPS

At Hadrian Park Primary School, we understand the need to continually deliver high quality education, including during periods of remote learning – whether for an individual pupil or many. We recognise the importance of maintaining high expectations in all areas of school life and ensuring that all pupils have access to the learning resources and support they need to succeed.  


Following Government guidelines, it was our duty to provide learning for children should they be self isolating at home due to COVID-19 (whether awaiting a test, having to self-isolate due to family members or having a positive test themselves). For remote learning; in Years 1 to 6, we use Seesaw and in EYFS we will use Tapestry to share Home Learning.  The child’s Seesaw code is located in their home reading book. Teachers use Seesaw to share learning activities and resources, capture children’s learning, and communicate about progress and needs, providing a continuous formative assessment cycle as it would do within the class. 


The work produced must be returned before the deadline date set and completed to the best of the Childs ability. The school expects children to maintain a good work ethic during the period of remote learning; therefore, teachers will closely monitor this and make contact on various different occasions. Children are accountable for the completion of their own schoolwork – teaching staff will contact parents via a range of media (phone/email/googleclassroom/Windows 365 One Drive/Seesaw) if their child is not completing their schoolwork or their standard of work has noticeably decreased. Teaching staff are legally required to monitor the academic progress of pupils with and without access to the online learning resources and discuss additional support or provision.  Teaching staff will monitor the academic progress of pupils with SEND and discuss additional support or provision with the SENCO as soon as possible. If a child device fails, a paper copy will be provided from school and links with the DfE will be created to facilitate the loan of a device. Paper copies will need to be returned to school, this will be assessed in line with our school assessment policy and oral feedback will be provided by telephone.


Work will be set using Seesaw (Yr1-6) and Tapestry (Nur-Rec), the work will have a deadline attached to this.  Teachers will respond in a timely manner to meet the needs of all learners.  Daily assessment and feedback will be given both verbally and written. Following our school marking codes, we have made an adaption which is similar and inline so children have awareness of their purpose.


The documents and links below are to be used alongside our online learning platforms. 

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