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Hadrian Park Primary School

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Mathletics & Spellodrome

The learning journey stars with Mathletics. This is a targeted, rewarding and highly captivating online learning resource to power Maths learning from Reception through to Key Stage 2. 

  • A bright and engaging interface to make their own with themes and avatars

  • A full set of curriculum-aligned activities covering all topics and themes of maths covered throughout primary school

  • All activities are automatically marked, with learners receiving clear and intuitive feedback on their progress

  • In the hugely popular Live Mathletics, learners can test their skills in a great live online maths game, competing against others from right across the world!

  • Curriculum content is supported by interactive tutorials to both support and extend the learning

Spellodrome allows teachers to creatively  use technology to create differentiated spelling programs with drag and drop word lists, selecting from a bank of over 10,000 words covering all major international English dialects.


Word lists power the activities and challenges within Spellodrome, so learning is focussed around only the words you wish to target – a perfect way to engage your students in their weekly spelling list.


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